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Security Solutions: From Fort Knox to Phone in Your Pocket
These days, it pays to be smarter about your security solutions. That means ditching the old ways— moats with crocodiles, fire-breathing dragons, three-headed dogs, and yes, even clunky security systems with grainy footage! Crooks are more clever these days. And as...

Travel With Peace of Mind With These Home Automation Systems & Features
Leaving for spring break? Aside from making sure your bags are packed and your travel itineraries are laid out, it’s also important to consider the things you’re leaving behind. This includes your home, possessions, & maybe your business. How can you make sure...

Why Is Regular Maintenance Important for Your Tech Systems?
Technology can be a great help for your business. Whether you only own a startup or a major corporation, your tech systems can help you manage and scale your business with ease and with just a few clicks. Technology may have even replaced or made some of your manual...

5 Benefits of Having a Strong Network for Your Home & Business
There’s no doubt about it: technology is essential in our everyday lives. We use it at home, at work, in school, for our business, and even when we’re on vacation. Heck, you’re using technology right now to read this blog post. So much of our lives is affected by...

Choosing the Right Audio/Video System for Your Home
Movies, music, podcasts, audiobooks, video games— most of our home entertainment involves audio or video systems or both. And like most things in life, the things that entertain us are best shared, especially with the ones we love at home. Looking to get some...

Basic Home Electrical Safety: Tips to Avoid Common Electrical Hazards
Electrical systems & devices make our lives simpler and more convenient. But because we use them so often, we often neglect & forget that they can also cause safety hazards and harm, when they’re not handled properly. In this blog post, we’ll talk about a few...

10 Super Simple Ways To Improve Your Home’s Security
It’s obvious that your home’s security is one of the most important things to prioritize. However, we know that not everyone can or wants to invest in a good home security system. But that doesn’t mean you should give up on improving your security either. There are...

FREE WIFI HERE: Reasons Why You Need A Guest Network For Your Business
These days, a “Free WiFi” sign is often reason enough for people to go through your door. But while growing your business requires more than just free internet for your customers, a stable guest network truly does have its benefits. Let’s explore some of them in this...

Elevate Your Customers’ Dining Experience with Advanced Tech
In the food industry, it’s never enough to only provide good food and drinks (although it is the most important aspect). Nowadays, it’s also crucial to improve your customer’s overall experience when dining in your restaurant, cafe, bar, etc. This can involve things...

Workplace Fire Safety: Tips & Stats You Need To Know
According to the National Fire Protection Association, “a fire department in the United States responds to a fire somewhere in the nation every 23 seconds.” Although most of these reported fires are caused in residential homes, commercial fires are also common. The...